
Hi! I'm Gia, a twenty-something year old checking off things on my cradle list while planning a family and blogging about everything along the way. I'm a newlywed! I married my awesome husband last year. We don't want kids anytime soon because we want to enjoy our twenties and this special time in our marriage. But I'm a planner. I ant to make sure we get to do all of the things we want to do that will be hard with kids. I also want to make sure we stay on track so that we can be able to have a baby physically, financially, and emotionally. My parents are divorced. My mom always told me to wait until my 30s the have kids. While I was growing up she constantly reminded me she was too young, early 20s, when she had me. I don't want to feel like that.

What is a cradle list? I'm sure everyone has heard of a bucket list, a list of things to do before you kick the bucket (pass away). A cradle list is just like a bucket list. It is a list of things to do before you have a baby. It was recently made popular by one of my favorite shows, How I Met Your Mother. That episode made me want to start my own cradle list.