Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pool Party!!!

This past weekend my hubs and I had a small pool* party. It was so much fun. Mild temperatures. Sexy bikini. Sunny, barely a cloud in the sky. Yummy snacks. Friends. Alcohol. Perfect! Except for the hour I spent praying to the porcelain gods if you know what I mean. I drank way too much! Not to mention the mysterious cut hubs discovered his temple later that day. Oh well, it was a good time. All things I probably won't be doing often when I have kids.

This Google image photo will have to due. Not one picture was snapped during the pool party. Always a wise move when alcohol is involved. I wish I would've taken a picture of the blowup loungers, half empty glass, and bottles scattered all of the deck before I cleaned them up.

Next summer I want to have a really big pool party with everyone I know. I want to go all out with a tropical/tiki/luau theme. I think it's fun to be in the pool when the sun is on it. Hubs wants to have a night time party with tons of tiki torches and pool lights, but all I can think about are the misqitoes! Either would be fun. We'll see if it happens :)

Oh and for the record, I'm sure summer and pool parties with children can be fun too.

*It's an above ground pool that came with the house. I'm not made of money people!

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