Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Today I got together with my future step sister to talk about things that had happened. She had posted for all of her family to see that my sister, my mom, and me being "b!tches" that were making her life miserable. My mom has been with her dad for 15 months and we really haven't had any real contact with her. We've tried but she just shoots us down. Anyways, I replied asking how we were making her life miserable. She replied with some very over the top things so I gave her a piece of my mind. Maybe not my finest moment, but these things needed to be said. So replied with some ever more over the top things. I emailed them to her dad. He emailed me back then deleted the emails. Then I emailed him back. Future step sister read the email. So I think she mostly wanted to meet up so she could set the record straight. She did apologize though which was nice.

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